Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Cost-Saving Measures

I’ve been composting too much.

Making soup stock seemed before to me to be wasteful and time-consuming.  Why would I boil perfectly good vegetables and discard their nutritious solids?  Exactly, why would I?  A few days ago, after conserving my yam peelings, my carrot tops and my onion skins for a week, I boiled them all down to extract their delicious vegetable essence.  What resulted was about two litres of flavour when flavour has been slim.  I used the stock to make many days worth of a very Asian breakfast porridge (a terrifying concept in maple-syrup drenched Canada) and froze a litre for a tough week in the future.  As for the solids, my worms will thank me for making their scraps milder and thus more palatable.

I’ve been an avid composter for years, but I’m always enthused when I can introduce another step in the chain.


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